Llama boots!

Manager U

Today I completed the Manager U Certificate program at York University. They asked our class to write a reflection on our experience. Mine is below:

As you wander, you’ll often come across shiny objects you’ll want to pick up or run into people with problems that you want to help them with. Before you know it, you’re carrying a lot with you and it feels hard to keep going.

For me, the shiny thing was a new role at York and the opportunity to become a manager for the first time. Of course, I didn’t expect how much I would need to learn and how many times it would feel overwhelming along the way.

I watch my son, who’s a toddler, constantly learning how to do new things. This involves lots of mistakes, frustration and temper tantrums. I’m finding the process of learning to be a manager can similar.

A shared language, along with shared set of frameworks and vocabulary, helps us talk about these challenges. For me, that has been the biggest impact of Manager U: that we not only that shared language, but we also have a group of people that we can use it with.

Over the past few months, I’ve been struggling to complete a particular project. I know I can finish it myself, but that would take way more time than I have. After talking with my colleagues in Manager U, I changed my approach and decided to coach someone on what needed to be done, instead of doing all the work myself. This has moved things forward far beyond what I could have ever done on my own.

Manager U has helped me see that I’m not the lone wanderer carrying many burdens on my journey, but rather that there are many people who can help and support me and that how you think about that journey makes a big difference.

CIRPA Election

Today marks the start of the 2021 CIRPA Election and I’m a candidate for one of three Member-at-Large positions on the CIRPA Board.

If you are a CIRPA member, please vote and please vote for me. This will be my second term on the board and I’d like to continue my service to CIRPA.

During the course of my 2019-2021 terms, my primary responsibility was the CIRPA website and the Member 365 system. I also served on the Professional Development committee and worked closely with the Communication committee.

I was awarded the 2020 CIRPA Outstanding Service Award for my service to the organization.

CIRPA played an important role I my career and working in higher education, I have found it to be incredibly valuable for building professional connections to others in Instituional Research and Planning community.

I feel like I have contributed a lot during my first term, and I would like the opportunity to continue serving for a second term.

Thanks to all the candidates who put their names forward. CIRPA is very fortunate to have an excellent set of candidates. View the bios for all candidates in the election. PDF

Election runs for 2 week, ending June 22. You can vote by logging into the CIRPA Member Portal

Of the WWDC announcements, I’m pretty happy they’ve brought Shortcuts to the Mac.

Always nice to see Automator in the Keynote.

📷Water Wheel. New Hamburg, Ontario

Success! It looks like my micro.blog is now ready for use!

Summer Vacation

I followed the same pandemic summer vacation strategy this year as last, that is taking a bunch of long weekends. Last year, those weekends were spent packing for our move. This year, it will be more about getting outside and catching up with things around the house.

As I wait for my second dose of the vaccine, I think that’s not a bad option. I don’t want to do any real travelling until my whole family is fully vaccinated. Plus, when I had to make these plans there was enough uncertainty about things.

I’m glad it’s turned out better than my expectations.

Just installed the new Mac app. I really like it so far, and the icon looks great in my dock

I figured out something about the pandas concat() method today. notes.pinboard.in/u:sechild…

Nice things from today:

  • remembering to renew library books they day they were due
  • figuring out in 10 minutes something I was struggling with for an hour for yesterday.

I finally added my publications to my ORCID.


Best buds.

I’m excited for the new subway extension. Opening in December!

I just tried it out a bit, but this Microsoft Seeing AI app is really cool. itunes.apple.com/ca/app/se…

Summer hours are the best!

Summer hours are the best!

Me and the big duck.

Now posting from the new micro.blog app on my phone. I’ve been waiting for this for awhile!

Happy Canada Day! We are off to see the giant rubber duck this afternoon.

It seems like the challenge will be to find people to follow on micro.blog. I found a few by googling the site.

Producing a report with #Rstats today. Dplyr is making is quite easy to arrange this survey data exactly how I want it.